7 day nature challenge - Day 1

Hello there, readers of Moni Smith Photography! My, it's been a long time. I have decided to re-start my photography blog over here. It just so happens that my Facebook friend and fellow pinhole photographer Marie, from the blog Shimmering Grains, has nominated me for a landscape challenge, in which I post a landscape photo everyday for the next 7 days. I thought this would be a great way to kick off the blog anew. 

My first image is a pinhole image, taken with my Zero Image 45 and Delta Pro 100. It was taken up at Zig Zag Falls on Mt. Hood. 

WPPD film swap with The Old Penfold

As I mentioned before, on Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day I met up with several of my fellow pinhole photography friends in Amsterdam. When we stopped for lunch we put a roll of 120 film into a hat - a roll of pinhole that we shot before we left for Amsterdam. Then we passed the hat around and picked a roll. I picked Alex. I had to figure out what to do with his 6x17 photos on the roll.  I finally decided to shoot 6x6 and do a triptych over his shots. For each triptych I did a self portrait, a shot of the "landscape" and a shot of some flora in the landscape I was in. 

You can see more of Alex's great work on his Flickr stream or his website

Click the images to see them in their wide angle glory.