

It has been awhile since I've posted on this blog! It is because I have been waiting for film to process. I've been shooting a lot of pinhole lately and I prefer color film when I shoot pinhole so that means relying on the lab to process it when I can get there. I like to save up a few rolls to justify driving into Portland to the lab. 

When I got these rolls back I was particularly happy with how sharp they were! One thing I did differently was using my finger as the shutter, as suggested by the folks at Zero Image. I opened my shutter and very quickly placed my finger over the hole then removed my finger, exposed the image, then replaced my finger and closed the shutter. I do this with my holga pinhole as well, except I use the lens cap instead of my finger. I notice a marked difference in sharpness!

This was taken at Bridal Veil Falls in the Columbia Gorge, Oregon. 


Camera: Zero 2000
Exposure time: 20seconds
Film: Kodak Ektar 100
Pinhole: 0.18mm
Focal Length: 25mm
ISO: 100
Aperture: f138
Dev: C-41 by Lab
Scan: Epson V500